Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Another Prom for the Smiths!!

My greatest apologies for having let this go for so long, but here it is now and you are welcome!!  I was supposed to have my cheer tryouts in early April, but the state of Florida revised all their ideas and gave cheerleaders the same rules as football, so we all had to suspend our tryouts.  I spent a week and a half on the phone with other coaches, our athletic director, and other representatives and we finally came up with a plan.  Our Varsity tryouts start this weekend.  JV will have to wait until June.  It was a lot of stress, but we have a plan and it is the same plan that all the other local schools have, so I feel ok about it.  I just wish I already had this stuff behind me!!  

Instead, we finished up the dance year with a great banquet.  Rozzie auditioned for an officer position and was awarded "Junior Lieutenant" and we are so proud of her and her hard work.  She had to come up with choreography which is something she has never done.  She stressed about it for three days.  When the day finally came, she performed and interviewed.  One of the out-going seniors told me that Rozzie's choreography was the best they saw.  She was thrilled to be the one junior in the group of 4 officers.  Here they are pictured with their coach (in the middle).  
 The team had their banquet and there was a lot of picture taking going on.  This is Rozzie and Chelsea recreating a picture from their childhood days when they did a tap dance to "Sisters".  We hope they can relearn the dance and perform it at next year's banquet!!
 This weekend Maddie had a dance performance in Jacksonville for National Dance Week.  It was in the mid-90s and miserable, but they danced well.  Maddie is in the center here.  I know you have seen many pictures of her dancing and they all look the same, but you'll just have to see one more!!
 The exciting news in the dance world is that after much debate, Maddie decided to try out for the high school dance team (last minute!!) and was rewarded with a spot on the team Friday night.  She is excited and told me that it had been a good day.  We are excited to see both Roz and Maddie on the same team, dancing at football games, and going to competitions together.  They are both excited about it, too.

Saturday night was the PROM!!!  I made my dress.  It is a caftan and has a very unique construction.  I discussed it with my Fashion Design class at length and how it is a trendy design that I've seen on J-Lo, one of the Olsen twins, and a few others here and there.  I figured it would work for me as my figure is not so forgiving of many dresses.  I found this vibrant fabric that I loved, but I really thought it might be a tad too much.  Travis wasn't convinced of either the pattern or the fabric.  I expected it to be quite hideous.  But when I put it on, it was rather nice!!  It is almost two different dresses - see the pictures:

We went to dinner with friends and a few people in the restaurant stopped me to tell me how nice my dress was!!  At the Prom, the girls gushed.  All my students were amazed and loved it.  Travis even liked it.  Once I put it on, he said, "Oh!!  I didn't know what to expect, but I like it!!"  It was fun for the evening, anyway!!  The prom is always a good time.  Travis is a trooper to go along with me!!

Morgan has been home the past two weeks and we have enjoyed her company.  She got her wisdom teeth removed and said some pretty good stuff:

"I think Lady Gaga texted me this morning, so she might come over this afternoon."

Sadly, she never showed...

She is looking forward to working on Mike and Jenny's farm this summer.  She leaves for that job on Thursday.  We will miss her, but will be glad to have her back for a few weeks in July.


Shoebox Princess said...

There is much fabulousness in this post! Dresses, dancing, more dancing, achievements and all around happiness and joy! Except about wisdom teeth digging out, although having Lady Gag visit would have been fabulous too. Alas that she did not come. Morgan will never be allowed to forget that!

Shoebox Princess said...

And by Lady Gag, of course I meant Lady Gaga. (Sometimes she does make me want to gag though)

Jake and Steph said...

Mom told me that Morg was going to work for Mike for the summer. I said, "Hmm, that should be nice" assuming immediately that she would be somehow ensconced into his office staff. Then Ma said, "she'll be doing farm work." Then it all changed for me. I said with an uplifted eyebrow (the left one), "ooooh, that should be nice." I wonder if Mike will make her filter the hundreds and hundreds of pounds of used fryer grease I give him to run his diesel truck.

Love the "Two Faces of Dress". Even though you said it looked like two dresses, I still thought it was two dresses.

The Twins stink, say hi to Trav & the grlz.

Dennis said...

I don't know how you keep up. Dances, competitions, working, etc. The Prom dress is lovely. It does look like 2 different dresses. I like "vibrant" colors.

Jen said...

You, Rozzie, and Travis look simply divine! I still can't believe you sewed your dress. You are amazing, and it turned out so beautifully.