Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!!

A warm Mother's Day greetings to any moms reading this today.  You are probably a relative or a close friend and so I can say that I'm grateful for the mothers that you are.  I'm glad you are putting forth the great effort it takes to raise children who are grateful, respectful, and hard working.  I see so many parents who are passive and do such a poor job at parenting.  I'm glad to be associated with hard working, caring moms and dads.

A few weeks ago, I had to take the school mascots to an elementary school carnival.  I needed a girl bird (I have a boy who wants to be "Swoop" next year [see the head in the background]) and so I asked Maddie and she agreed.  She had a fun time walking around dressed as a bird.  Here she is looking a little more like the Yeti.

I held my cheerleading tryouts this past week.  For the team meeting the next night, I made these fabulous cupcakes!!  Each girl and boy (3 boys this year!!) got a cupcake with their name on a megaphone!!  

Here is a group picture of Maddie's Art's Edge Company.  She has loved dancing with these girls these past 2 years.  They had a performance at the Fleming Island Plantation Something-or-Other yesterday.  
I have a few more pictures to post but all the email is working very slowly.  I wonder if that is a function of Mother's Day.  You'll just have to wait for them on another post!  Have a good week.


Shoebox Princess said...

I really like the picture of Maddie in the bird costume.

Happy mother's day to you too. Your efforts are noted and applauded too.

The dance troupe is busy! It is nice that they can dance outside.

Jen said...

Ha, when I first saw Maddie in her costume I thought it was a gorilla costume. Now I see the bird head in the background. How fun (but probably hot) for her!

Maddie sure is the tallest in her group, huh? Who knew you'd end up the tall daughters. I'm pretty sure there's no chance of that happening in our family.

You are sweet with your Mother's Day comments. I feel the same way with how you've raised your beautiful daughters. Morgan is definitely proof of that, and I get to witness for the next two months up close and personal.

TeamCar said...

Haha... Love it!