Saturday, May 19, 2012

Greetings Earthlings! Let's watch TV and have some Dinner!!

As promised, here is a look at the cupcakes I made for the Young Women Camp Fundraiser.  The aliens are all sitting in their flying saucer.  They were pretty cute.  
 As much as people liked the aliens, they were even more taken with the TV dinner.  I don't know why, but people just couldn't get over the peas and carrots and the mashed potatoes.  The peas are a green candy - one could use Skittles - and the carrots are a couple Starbursts cut into small pieces.  The mashed potatoes are made with frosting, a yellow starburst, and carmel sauce.  It was a lot of fun to see the kids get excited over all the cool cupcakes.
 Maddie went to the 8th grade formal last night.  She looked so grown up with her hair done (Lani did it). Her dress was very classic and very "Maddie".  She doesn't want to be too flashy, but she likes to look clean and crisp.  Right after we took pictures, the rain started.  The girl to the right of Maddie has been Maddie's friend since Kindergarten.  They were in the same class and they got to be friends then.  They live just around the corner from us, so that has kept them in contact, too.  Maddie is looking much older.  I hadn't noticed it until she had her hair all done and everything.  I guess she is ready to start high school and all that!!  She had a good time at the dance and I have seen pictures that we taken at the dance where she is acting very much like herself and is being goofy, so don't think she has gotten all mature all of a sudden!!  Today she is off with her band at Universal Studios riding rides and having fun.  And, maybe a bit of music playing, or so I'm told.


Shoebox Princess said...

Such cute pictures! Maddie is SO grown up! She looks much older and much more mature than the last time I saw her. CanNOT believe. What is this with our babies looking grown up? (my baby has a moustache--thank goodness your baby doesn't)

Lurve the cupcakes! I should make alien cupcakes for Paul's grad party, no? just kidding.

Dennis said...

Jessie & Bon are at Universal today too. Too bad they didn't know Maddie would be there. Maddie looks BEAUTIFUL!

Laura Copeland said...

Oh, my goodness! You are so clever! The items you made are so darling! I'm sure they were the hit of the night. And the pictures of Maddie are fantastic. She truly does look so grown up. I'm so glad she had such a fun time. Those are memories you never forget.

Jen said...

That is not Maddie! The girl in the those pictures is much too old. I can't believe how much she has grown since I saw her last. Wow! She is so gorgeous!

I don't know if I could get past the dinner theme of those cupcakes enough to eat them. It's one of those things where your brain is expecting one thing but encounters a different favor than what was expected. Not a good combination. They turned out awesome though!