Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Black and Blue League

I slept pretty well once I fell asleep that first night. My nose had swelled shut. Breathing through my mouth is one of my least favorite things and so falling asleep was a trial. I faced my students at school the next day and told them all the horrors I had lived through in the past hours and they were adequately impressed with my fortitude and will to survive. When I left for school, there were no outward signs of bruising, but I was swollen. Lani told me I smiled like a bad botox injection!! By the time I got to my planning time during second period, all the blood that had pooled in my nose drained into my lip creating a nice blood blister. It felt like I had a marble in my lip all day. The bridge of my nose doesn't hurt, and my lip doesn't hurt. It doesn't even hurt to sneeze. By the end of the day, I was feeling pretty ragged though. These were taken at the end of the day. The swelling is decreasing but you can see the bubble on my lip, and the bruising starting to come in.Morgan said I look like I'm puckering here - but I'm not!!
I'm feeling pretty decent. Today the bubble has started to diminish. It is very painful to wipe my nose. It is VERY tender on the inside.

Morgan had a great band concert last night and we didn't get any pictures. I didn't even see her. But the band sounded very nice.

Then we got home to find that she was accepted to Florida State University which is a pretty big deal around these here parts. Yes, BYU is still her #1 dream, but we won't know about that until the end of the month.
Now I must go and get Maddie and transport her to violin!! Have a great week. Tomorrow when I wake up it will be Thursday. I was convinced today was Thursday and then found I was sadly mistaken. LONG WEEK.....


Shoebox Princess said...

I too HATE breathing through my mouth. Many consolations to you!

We had a band concert last night too, but I saw my little bassoonist--who didn't tell me that she was going to be a reader during the concert. I forgot my camera! The band teacher did tell me that he's impressed with her progression on the bass gee-tar.

Fingers still crossed for Morgan!

TeamCar said...

and I always thought weird things only happened to me... Glad I am NOT alone!

Here's to quick healing!

Congrats to Morgan!

Jen said...

So glad to hear that you're already seeing/feeling improvement. Bruises do seem to take forever to heal though. Ugh! And I can't stand breathing through my mouth either. I had to have nose surgery years ago in high school (my left nostril had completely grown shut, yuck), so I had to deal with a plastic tubing strung all the way through my entire sinus system for a week. It was miserable to not be able to breath out of my nose at all. It was so nasty when the doctor pulled it out. I still have nightmares about that.

I got your text about Morgan being accepted to FSU, but it didn't see it until the next day when I was too busy to respond. That is so awesome for her especially to have some official choices for schools. My oldest brother went to FSU. Pass on my congratulations to her:)