Monday, February 14, 2011

Ear Care

I have horrid dreams. Last night, in my dream, I scratched my ear and pulled out half an insect. Then I felt the creepy-crawly feeling in my other ear. It was alive and moving in there. I asked my sister, the shoe-box princess, to help me by tweezing out the bug. I was afraid to lay with that ear up for fear that the insect would fall deeper into my ear. Yes, I was in a complete panic. She was having trouble getting at it as the critter kept receding into the recesses of my ear canal. I finally just had to wake up and end the horror. Much to my relief, my ear felt fine. However, all day, I have felt and heard the echos of the imaginary bug in my ear. It was horrible, horrible, most horrible.


Shoebox Princess said...

EW! Now your dreams are going to keep ME up at night. And next time you dream of a bug in your ear, try to find someone else to help you!

Jen said...

Please do keep those dreams to yourself because now I'm going to keep thinking I have bugs crawling in my ears all day and possibly have a nightmare tonight about it. Ish!! Not to freak you out anymore, but my mom did wake up one night when they lived in Atlanta with the feeling that she had something crawling inside her ear. She woke up my dad who insisted she was just dreaming or imagining things, but she persisted. So he went and got the tweezers, and they actually pulled some huge, southern bug. She said she had trouble sleeping for the rest of the week after that. Sweet dreams...

TeamCar said...

Reminds me of a Startrek movie "Wrath of Khan" when Checkov and another trek buddy were captured by "Khan" and they put bugs in their ears.

I tell you, I had nightmares about that for weeks...

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