Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Homecoming 2009 - Chapter Morgan and Roz

I'll start out with a sad tale. Remember how I talked about my desire to grow tomatoes? Here is the extent of my tomatoes on 2 plants. There was another, but it rotten right on the vine before turning red. Pathetic...
Now to something happier. Here is fair Morgan at her Mu Alpha Theta induction. She is officially a member of the math club, national chapter. She is pictured here with two of our lovely Assistant Principals. they are nice ladies!!
Morgan decided to go all out on Spirit Day. I told her to dress up as a ghost, but she didn't. She got together with some friends and splatter-painted t-shirts. She was all about the green hair and gold paint all over her body. Makes me want a shower.
Here in Florida, the junior high schools also have homecoming week. Rozzie dressed up as Cyndi Lauper for Decade day. She refused to wear the crinoline, which of course would have sealed the costume. She was pleased with herself, though.
Her next costume was for Twin Day where she and a friend wore matching t-shirts. she got special permission to take a picture in class. She was also very happy for the cold weather which turned into a great hair day!
Now we turn our attention to the Youth Halloween Party last night. Morgan was a Transformer!! She truly was more than meets the eye!! She is a tank, but we ran out of time so the details are missing. Still, an effective performance. By the way, she won the best costume award.
As Sara dubbed her: Morgamus Prime!!
Rozzie was a Barbie in one of my old prom dresses!! Glad it can be of use again. She looked really pretty.
And here are the ladies!! It was so difficult for such a delightful young lass such as I to be surrounded by such sinister witches!!


Shoebox Princess said...

Poor tomato vines!

Congratulations to Morgan on her MAT induction. (Reminds me of what Mr. Hegrenes-Chem teacher at Tonka--used to ask students in the hall. "What's nu?" (What's new) and you had to reply "C over lambda" or he would dock points from your Chem grade.

Spirit picture of Morg-yes I want a shower now too. Very spirited she is to tolerate all the body paint. I would have done the ghost thing. Less muss and fuss.

Cute Roz in all pictures! She should come up here to visit when Fake Child is around so she can play with Roz the Human-sized Barbie.

Morgamus Prime is AWESOME.

And you look properly Snow-Whitish. You even have the look down!

TeamCar said...

We've had a summer without a summer. I know our tomatoes would not have made it. The scallions are still going strong! Go figure.

Morgamus Prime!!! LOL.. that is just fun! Roz looked fab. Love you guys!