Sunday, September 19, 2010

Battle Royal here in Florida

The Cougars of Brigham Young were in town yesterday for a showdown on the gridiron. Too bad it was more of a lie-d0wn. Morgan and I were there anyway to show our support for the team. There were a lot of people there in the blue and white. I had never been to Hallytassee, Tallyhoochie, Whatchamacallee, so I followed our friends (Brad and Donna) and we made it there safe and sound. We went to the BYU party and the girls were all over getting their picture with Cosmo. Morgan and Cosmo are pictured here with friends Chloe and Hannah. They were the oldest kids in line for pictures.
We ran into Linda and Patrick with their family and got along just fine, even though they are wearing the wrong colors!!
Comments are always made about the opposing team fans and the things they wear, etc, etc. I really try to reserve my judgements, but I'll confess this one. I saw the guy with the mohawk and assumed he was with FSU because of obvious reasons. Then I saw the shirt. He and his wife were there rooting for BYU. See what I mean? Never judge!! Lesson learned, again.
Morgan and I had such a fun day together. It was 95 degrees at kick off (3:30pm). Don't they know that this is Florida? Haven't they figured that out yet? But the heat didn't get us down. Heck, even the score didn't get us down. Morgan made the comment that she thinks she was the only person in the stadium who was applying to both of the schools right now. She is a BYU fan, though. All I can say is that we had such a great day together. The drive was about 3 hours and we got home at 10 pm. It was sure worth it. I won't have too many more opportunities to do this with her.
On our way out of the stadium, Brad noticed his former BYU coach, LaVell Edwards, exiting the stadium. They stopped and talked and asked me to take a picture. I felt that I could ask for a picture, too. I knew that this would make Travis' day!! Morgan asked me who he was and I explained that he was Brad's coach at BYU when Brad was on the team and they won a National championship (1984). I also told her that the BYU stadium is named after this man and he is one of the top 5 winningest coaches in the NCAA. Morgan said, "So he's kindof a big deal." Yes, Morgan, he is.

So why wasn't Trav at the game? You'll have to stay tuned for another blog post!


Shoebox Princess said...

What a fun outing! We are all jealous! The closest I ever came to that kind of contact was with a former co-worker of mine from the dishroom at the Morris Center turned out to be Cosmo during my sophomore year.

Yeah, I would have thought the mohawk dude would have been an FSU guy all the way.

TeamCar said...

Whew.. thats a drive, but so fun to go to such things. Wow.. 1984. *looks around* When was that? lol...

First look at the guy in the Mowhawk.. thought he was rootin for the other team.. but saw the blue shirt, I read more and sure enough!

Glad ya'll had fun even in the HOT weatha! Hugs...

Jen said...

What an experience! And I'm sure you and Morgan enjoyed the one-on-one time that is probably pretty limited these days. I can't say I know much about sports or BYU, but I'm sure it was a blast regardless of the outcome. Go sports! (Inside joke between Mike and me or anyone else who knows where that quote comes from...LOL.)

Laura Copeland said...

I wish we would have seen you guys, but, I agree, it was a lot of fun--even with the weather and the score. I wish we would have seen LaVelle or taken pictures with Cosmo. You really did get some extra-nice treatment that day, right?!

Dennis said...

What a day!! It's great that you got to spend so much time with Morgan and to see Cosmo. But the picture with Coach Edwards is beyond special.