I guess it is time for me to post something. I'm going to take a page from my sister's blog and do ten things. That will help me focus and (hopefully) refrain from rambling.
1. Maddie was cast as an Oompah Loompah in the school's play, "Willy Wonka" that will premier next April.
2. Rozzie had a fever for a day last week. Now she is reporting that the girl she works with at the front desk has swine flu. We'll see. Rozzie has recovered just fine. I'm not an alarmist. It never helps anything.
3. Morgan loves her marching program and it has improved dramatically in the last month. She is the tuba section leader and loves the power that accompanies that title. There is no power in the title.
4. I am reading "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" and am liking the vocabulary and style.
5. I finished knitting the sweater I started in April and it is almost all sewed together! Just one more side seam and then the buttons. I'm so surprised. I thought it would take so much longer.
6. Travis is busy maintaining his fantasy baseball and football teams.
7. Maddie will be in her last Primary Program tomorrow.
8. I have good classes this year; they do their work and are concerned students.
9. I had and ant infestation in my classroom and Terro did the job and millions of ants were seduced with the sweet elixir.
10. It is much too hot for it to be the end of September.