February started out with our favorite weekend of the year at The Cloister Resort at Sea Island in Georgia. Travis attends the Georgia Foreign Trade Conference each year and we look forward to this weekend ALL YEAR!!! This year, the kickoff to the conference was on Super Bowl Sunday (see what I did there?). Everyone was instructed to wear their favorite team's colors. Despite the dismal season, Travis and I donned the purple and gold. During the party, a lady came up and asked if I was from Minnesota. We talked for quite a while on the virtues of living in Minnesota. She lives there currently and I had to tell her how lucky she was. Then her husband came up. I noticed that his name tag put him with Target and so we discussed the virtues of Target. Then Travis found me and we chatted a big longer. The next day, Travis came back from his big meeting and said that my Target friend was the keynote speaker and was a HUGE bigwig with Target. Luckily I was on my best behavior and didn't swear or anything.

February brought about Maddie's first church dance!! She turned 14 in November, but hasn't had the opportunity to go to a dance until this month. Rozzie warned her that guys will ask her to dance and will somehow manage to ask the girl's age. When you answer, "Fourteen," the young man will simply say, "oh." So, Maddie was asked to dance a few times. One young man was a high school senior. He chatted with her a bit and then nonchalantly got in, "how old are you?" She answered, "Fourteen." .... .... .... "Oh." At least the guys know the rules and when someone is off limits, they are off limits. Rozzie, Maddie, and Hannah all had a good time at the dance.

The same weekend that Maddie danced her heart away, Uncle Shan was in town for a visit. We always love to have Uncle Shan around!! He brought his brother-in-law, Clark, along for one night. Clark has a few cats at home that Shan figures he misses quite a bit. When Shan came in for breakfast, Clark was reading Maddie's Cat Fancy magazine!!

This past weekend, Maddie had her first dance competition. She has been looking forward to this for a long time. She was in 4 dances: Tap, Jazz, Modern, and Contemporary. They did very well and we are sure proud to be associated with Art's Edge. She loves her friends in the Company!! These are "The Blonds".

January seemed to go on forever. However, February flew by. It has been very nice to have a break from Cheerleading. I was in bed by 9:00 every night last week. It sure made a big difference. Too bad I can't always do that!