All the band seniors and some of their parents (and two sisters) met at Mellow Mushroom for dinner before the game. As my regular readers know, marching band has been Morgan's life in high school. It has made her high school experience so positive. I'm forever grateful that Morgan decided to do band in 8th grade and find her niche, her safe place to get through these years.

Senior night consists of the senior band, cheerleader, dance team, and football players escorted on the field by their parents and their names are announced. It is far enough ahead of the game that there are very few people in the stands. However, it is an important moment for these kids. We all look forward to it. All the younger team members line the procession and if we hadn't been laughing, I would have cried. It was fun to hear our names announced. Rozzie was standing along the way, too, and she cheered for us!!

Here are the band seniors! There are a few more who do not march and they weren't presented. But this picture includes #66 - Charles. He always wanted to march (tuba) but then would decide to play football. The band always cheered for him and he always turned and waved to them. He was one football player that truly appreciated the band. This picture makes me very happy.

As of two minutes ago, Morgan's BYU application is in!!