I love General Conference weekend for so many reasons. For those who don't know what that is, at our church, twice a year we don't go to our local churches for worship services. Instead we have a weekend of conferences (basically worship services) that are conducted from Salt Lake City by the leadership of the church. We can sit and watch it at home on the BYU channel and it is the greatest thing ever. The talks (sermons) are wonderful. The Tabernacle choir is magnificent. And we don't have to get up and go to church!!! It is a nice relaxing weekend and I tend to get a lot done at home. I decorated for Halloween and I'll post some of those pictures later on. I went out to lunch with Lani yesterday. I was at home alone for the day, so we took advantage. Travis had a training class, Morgan had band, and Rozzie and Maddie had a dance camp.
Travis parents were supposed to be out with us this week; however, Barbara developed pneumonia while in Houston and spent some time in the hospital and then was told to go directly home. She was not allowed to pass "GO" and did not collect $200. We are so sad that they could not come out here. So, I'll give them a little taste of what went on here!!
Friday night in the fall means football games. Here is Morgan with her tuba line. I really like this picture!! Morgan is the tuba section leader.

The band's program this year is a collection of Elton John songs and they have these props to add color and interest to the show. Two of the props are just the colored panel. One has Elton John's signature on it, and this one is of Sir Elton John, himself.

During the show, about 10 students come forward to do a small ensemble portion. Morgan got the part for the tuba and so here she is during her "solo."

This is just another picture of the tubas that I took for Morgan's benefit! I got down on the track this time so that I could get some good pictures of her. I was supposed to meet up with the guy from the Photojournalism class, but he was nowhere to be found. Maybe next week!!

Saturday was dance camp. Rozzie and Maddie have gone to this camp for three years now. it is sponsored by the Golden Girls dance team. They will perform at next week's football game.

Here they are with the kids from church. McCall is on the Golden Girls team. Shelby is also from church.
It is 9:13 am and Trav and I are the only ones up. We are going to let the girls sleep!! Travis is making French Toast (which I love - both the toast and Trav!!). It is going to be a great day!!