Thursday, May 28, 2009
Happy Birthday!!
June 6, 1996
My Little Rosalin -
You are now eight days old and my love for you grows and grows each day. You are just a wonderful little girl. You sleep a lot and aren't nursing so well. You nurse for a few minutes and fall asleep, then want to eat a half hour later. It gets old, especially at night. Luckily, you are only up one time each night.
Let me tell you a little bit about your birth. Your pregnancy wasn't so easy. I was pretty swollen and had 6 blood transfusions (which were not fun). So, Dr. Spetalnick agreed to induce me one week early on May 29, 1996. Dad and I got to Vanderbilt at 7:30 am and got all checked in and settled. My nurse's name was Eileen and she was super. At 9:40 am they finally got the pitocin started. I thought the doc would break my water but he didn't. He was busy delivering two other babies that morning. So the contractions came, but weren't painful and didn't get me dilating. Dad and I were getting pretty bored, so at 1:05 pm, Dr. Spetalnick came over and broke my water. I knew at that point, there really was no turning back. It was kindof a scary moment. The contractions built up for a bout an hour and a half. At 2:30 I had dilated to 4 cm. By 2:45 I was asking for an epidural. The anesthesiologist came in and told me that after re-evaluating my case, they had changed their minds and decided I wasn't a good candidate for the epidural due to my low platelet count. That didn't make me too happy. I cried. At 3:00 I was moved to the birthing room and the contractions were getting very bad. I tried to focus on the windsock I could see out my window and count through the contractions. It seemed to help a little, but it was pretty crazy. At 3:30, I was at 6 cm and at 3:35 I was at 8 cm, so I was moving pretty fast at that point. I was also getting more and more hysterical. I had such an urge to push but they kept telling me not to; I did a little, but anyway - I couldn't help it. Finally, I was at 10 cm and in 3 pushes, you were out (4:17). After push #2, Dr. S. said you'd be here on the next contraction, so I sat up and pushed you out (TMI). My first reaction was surprise at your dark hair. I was excited about that. Then someone confirmed that you were a girl. It was such a relief to have you out! I had a minor tear - your elbow got caught. Dad cut your cord (wrapped around the neck twice) and then you were handed off to the Pediatric group to get some blood out of you. After a few minutes, I got to hold you for a moment, then you were taken off to NICU until your platelet count was back and normal. I had some hemorrhaging troubles but all was taken care of. (She was born posterior, hence the increased pain and I refused to stop bleeding.) I was ordered to stay in bed for 24 hours. It wasn't until 9:00 that night that I was moved to my room and reunited with you. Aunt Karen and Savana were here watching Morgan and so they were at the hospital visiting. Morgan was so thrilled to have a baby sister. She loved you and loved you. The days in the hospital moved quickly and how were are home trying to adjust.
When you are awake and alert, you look around and are so curious. Your eyes are dark and beautiful. Your tiny little body is such a miracle. I look forward to getting to know your spirit!
July 1998 -
Mom: Do you like your ice cream?
Roz: I like it ice cream, at home, at school, at play.
October 1999 - Grandma and Grandpa Smith are visiting. You love to sit with them and color or read or look at pictures. You were with Grandpa on the bed and your friend, Mariah Johnson came over and walked in. You said, "This is my Grandpa, Go AWAY!" Grandpa was carrying you down the stairs and he missed the last step. He fell and hurt his knee and tore his pants. You bonked your head. Down in the basement, Grandma and I heard the thud and came running. You were pretty scared. The next time you were with Grandpa and he was going to carry you downstairs, you said, "I can go down myself."
July 2000 - Grandpa Olsen's granddaughter (Brittany) slept overnight while we were visiting. She is about 13 or 14. She was so nice to you girls and you all just loved her and wanted to sit by her. After I put you to bed you asked me if she was the Brittany who sings, "Oops, I did it Again." You were thinking we had Britney Spears over for entertainment!
September 17, 2000 - Daddy was watching football - Miami vs. Baltimore
Roz: Who's winning
Dad: Miami
Roz: What color is your Ami
May 2001:
Roz: Mom, did you kill this chicken?
Mom: No, not this one (I've never killed any)
Roz: Who killed it?
Mom: The chicken farmers
Roz: Like on "Chicken Run"?
Mom: Yes
Roz: Why isn't there any blood on the food?
Mom: Most people don't like a lot of blood on their food.
Roz: Oh. What do they do with all the blood?
Mom: They pour it out.
Roz: Where?
Mom: At the chicken farm.
Roz: oh.
June 2001:
Dad: Do you believe in Jesus?
Roz: Yes, and I also believe in Santa Claus
August 2001:
Grandma O: What are you going to wear on the first day of school?
Roz: School clothes.
I could go on. Thanks for reading. Happy Birthday, Rozzie!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Some of the Fun things in Life

I got some pictures of me with my senior classes. This was our last day of class when everyone was going to be there. Some kids came to my class twice and are in both pictures. Things do tend to relax a bit at this time of year.
Steve is dressed like Britney Spears for Slave Day. He the back is dressed as Britney Spears for Senior Slave Day. He looked...interesting.
Jamison was in the picture because he had made a pact with the school. He would come to school SEVEN days in a row and we would give him a diploma. He got it!!
Last but not least, here is a cute little curl of Morgan's hair. Last week was a complete loss for hair. It rained everyday.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
A Senior Celebration

By the way, Garrett is dressed as a dog for Senior "At your service" (AKA: slave) day. He is going to the be Heather's dog in her Little Rascals group. And another note, I'm wearing a Tshirt at school as it was "College Tshirt day" where the seniors wear the shirts of where they are going to college. The teachers are encouraged to wear their college shirts, too. I made mine last year and it is two-sided. I went to BYU. That was where I wanted to go. However, I got married and moved to Denver, so I finished up at Univ. of Colorado and the back of the shirt represents my CU days. I bought 2 shirts, cut them up, and sewed them back together.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Not Quite Wrecktastic

Thursday, May 14, 2009
A Mid-Week Blog - Who Knew?

This afternoon brought on Phase II: The Frosting. I knew that I could not do the fondant covering the cake as I have never dealt with fondant before. I know that it isn't perfect and you can see the frost lines, but I'm doing the best I can. I'm sick to death about cake. I hope it comes out OK. Stay tuned for the finished product. PRESSURE!Speaking of pressure, Morgan took her AP World History test today. She is relieved to have it behind her. I hope she did well. She really prepared herself for this with many after school and Saturday study sessions.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May day!! May day!!

Last week, we finally got around to taking advantage of our Valentine's Day gifts. We went to see "Wicked!" It was really fabulous. Morgan didn't want to go and was having a bad attitude, but then on the way there, she told me she decided to change her attitude. Guess what, she LOVED it. I'm proud of her for making that effort. Rozzie and Maddie were all prepared to get their t-shirts. They were so excited and had saved their money.

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Simply Saturday
1. I did all my ESOL homework, even though I had an angry attitude about being asked how my class incorporates other cultures. I teach a British Lit and an American Lit class. We aren't bringing other cultures in! I talked about how British Lit is a culture all in itself. Sometimes we talk about the French or Spanish, though. Does that count? My class doesn't seem to care that I'm Scottish/Swedish/German-American. They haven't addressed my cultural needs. I could go on for hours.
2. I finished knitting the back of a sweater. It looks great and like it might fit!! I absolutely love the colors.
3. I went to a band concert. Morgan's bands did very well and I enjoyed it immensely.
4. I remembered to bring home my big paper so I can get Travis started on drawing pictures for me for camp.
5. I went to a Stampin' Up class and made a paper bag photo album that is cuter than cute.
6. I went to a National Scrapbook event last night and got Morgan's book caught up to Marching season. I will go work on that in a minute.
7. I started my May dishcloth; however, the poster-lady posted day 1 for day 2 so I need to keep waiting.
8. We made it to all violin and dance lessons this week.
9. I made dinner 4 times this week.
10. I got up and went to school every day.
11. I just went grocery shopping and saved $22 with coupons. Rozzie and Maddie were helpful shoppers.
12. I read my scriptures every day.
13. I made my bed everyday.
That is good enough. I feel better now and can go and play upstairs without guilt. I'll take my laptop and watch a movie!!