I'm going to make a very serious post here which is very unlike me. But, I need to write about what happened tonight. We are members of the Fleming Island 1st Ward in the Jacksonville Florida West Stake. Well, the Fleming Island 2
nd Ward was contacted by "Salt Lake" informing them that they had been chosen to participate in a
webcast with Elder David
Bednar and Elder
Richard Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This was quite a surprise for them. Their good bishop called back and asked if the Fleming Island 1st Ward could also participate. The answer was yes. So, we were told to be there by 6:30 in Sunday clothes with questions prepared to ask
Elder's Bednar and Scott. Another ward in South Carolina was also asked to participate. They have done this once before with 2 wards in
SLC as a test. Otherwise, these were the first two wards to EVER be chosen to speak with them in this manner.
This is how it worked: The
equipment was sent over-night to us and Brother Wright spent most of yesterday and today setting it up. There was a big screen on the stand with an LCD projector and a big
webcam on the podium pointed out over the pews. The youth were all instructed to sit in the center section and the leaders and bishoprics were supposed to be sitting on the side, out of view. Any extra parents were sent home! At 7:00 the conference began. One kid at a time was to go up to the table and introduce themselves and ask their question and one of the gentlemen (or both) would answer it. Our kids did a great job and I was so impressed with their maturity. Neither Morgan or Roz asked questions, which was just fine. I'm just so glad they could participate. It was actually a very intimate conversation. The kids really felt like they were right there together. The kids were very nervous and
almost star-struck, but they sat up tall and spoke clearly.
Some of the questions asked were:
- Why are we encouraged against tattoos and multiple ear piercings?
- How do we know if we are ready to get our Patriarchal Blessing?
- How can I best prepare for my mission?
- How can I get my dad to join the church?
and so on. It was interesting to learn that both men came from part member families. Also, they came from various parts of the country. One thing they mentioned a lot when young men asked anything about serving a mission - are you reading the Book of Mormon. The answer was always a "well, kind of, I haven't yet, but I'm tyring." They were encouraged to read it and then, start living like a missionary now rather than waiting. They don't have to wear a white shirt and a name tag, just study and pray like a missionary. It was good advice for our young men and it means more when they say it right to you as a small group. While it was a somewhat formal setting, the kids really enjoyed listening to them talk rather than them giving a talk. It is different to see them on TV talking to millions as compared to them talking to two groups of 20-25. They called the kids by their names, even.
At the end, the Apostles bore their testimonies of Jesus Christ and the truthfulness of the Gospel. Elder Scott finished up by saying, "To some it is given to know - not to wish or to hope, but to KNOW. I know Jesus Christ personally." After that he closed. It was a really amazing couple hours.
Afterwards, the bishop was to ask the kids what they thought of the whole thing to report back to "Salt Lake." I am so glad that Morgan and Roz got to participate in this testimony building experience. It was sure a boost to my testimony. Sometimes we all need that boost to our faith when we are dragging a bit as I have been lately. This is an experience that our youth won't soon forget.