Monday, December 29, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas to all and a Christmas Miracle

Now for the silly stuff!! The "Spider House" in our neighborhood also decks the halls for Christmas. The Grinch is new this year. The girls sat in the car dying of embarrassment (Mom, we know these people!) while I got my picture taken with the old curmudgeon.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
We don't need exotic trips, we already live in Florida!!

Another year it was the blue Santa which goes quite perfectly with all my "blue" Christmas decor. He has a little candle, also. Many of Jaunita's things come with a battery operated candle. And there is this little guy who sits on my piano. Juanita also brings the girls teddy bears with bows and baubles on them. It is so nice of her. Tomorrow, I'll post another gift she gave me last year. It is very WOW.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Not a Silent Night

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Let Freedom Ring

Here are the girls with Santa at the ward party. At their ages, we are lucky to get this done, anymore. They are all happy to be out of school, done with projects and test, and they are ready to sleep in EVERY day of vacation. Happy Holidays!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
The last melon
The ward party is done and the ward Christmas program is done. I wasn't the choir director, but got hornswaggled into being the choir director and we did TEN songs! It was a lot of time and effort and a little nervousness, but everything went off without a hitch. There was one song the women sang and on Saturday morning, it was still hideous. We ran through it on Sunday morning and looked at each other and said, "How did that happen?" It was beautiful!! I'm always so glad (after the fact) that I participated.
We made 3 batches of Chex candy mix for Morgie and Rozzie's friends. Instead of buying each other their 1,679 friends a gift, they had out bags of candy and it is well received. So that is now checked off the list.
Morgie's English project is DONE and checked off the list.
It is our last week of school before break, so that is almost checked off the list. I'm feeling pretty good about Christmas. Now I just have to get over the cold. It has started to drip down my throat and make me cough my lungs out. My chest is sore this morning from coughing so hard last night.
Have a great week!!
Friday, December 12, 2008

That is all the news I have for today. I must get two finals written while I am home today!! I hope you are all having a great holiday. I am enjoying getting Christmas cards. That always makes me happy.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Please let this week be a better week!!

Friday, December 5, 2008
And now for the weekend follow-up
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
It is only 6 AM and I've had a full day's work
Silver Lining: I had to clean the hardwood floor this morning; however, it is better that if I'd had to clean the carpet that used to be there. See, something to be thankful for, other than the strong smell of teryaki in the house.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Pictures of Thanks

I have had a great vacation and accomplished much good. I did 7 portfolio items which was my goal. I have 26 more to do. *sigh* School is back in on Monday and there are only 15 more working days until Christmas break!! I think I can handle this! As a matter of fact, November 16 was my 1 year anniversary in my job. That was the day I took over the class and was expecting to work for 6 weeks. Who knew at that point that it would turn into a career! Not that I want a career. I still think of it as a job that can come and go - not permanent. It is how I cope. I hope you all had a great holiday break and got to enjoy family and friends and especially some good food!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanksgiving Bubbly
Monday, November 24, 2008
Most Glorious Thanksgiving Break

As for me, I FINALLY got to the last 12 ornaments. Hip Hip Hooray!! They are done now and I just need to spray varnish them, drill the hole, and put the twine in them. Love this life!! Tonight is "Twilight" night. Very exciting.
One last story (and I know Sara has done this before). Last night, Morgie was in her room playing her guitar and not responding to my calls. So I texted her, knowing she was expecting a friend to text her and she'd pick up her phone immediately. So I texted "come clean the kitchen and wash the dishes" (there was hardly anything to do as I had cleaned up before dinner). I had Travis come and watch what I was doing. Within seconds we heard, "Mo-om!" She laughed really hard and came out and did the dishes with Rozzie's help.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Picture this...
And, happy birthday, Mike.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
It's been a full moon and the werewolves are out

Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Missie Pie!

So here she is at 9 months, continuing her "angelic" rouse. She was still delightful and so easy to have around. She didn't start eating solid food until about this time. She didn't care, I didn't really need her to be left for anything. She was pretty patient. She was plenty big. Just a nice baby.

Then at about 18 months, things changed. She got an attitude and started demanding all that she thought was her's and then some. She really gave me a run for the money for a few years. We always say it is a good thing we weren't cussers or Maddie would have cussed a blue streak. We always prayed that she would use her strong will for righteousness. Going to bed was a nightmare for about 3 years. She would make a mess of things and torment Roz. This picture was her 3 year old picture. She was not happy about this set-up. I kept up with the photo shoot because this is an accurate depiction of her at this age. She is saying, "I'm done!" It is actually one of my favorite pictures of the dear girl. This was the phase that earned her the name, "Missie Pie." She would disrobe if she got her clothes wet. She hollered at people. She stomped around. However, often times, she was quite nice and lovable.

Friday, November 7, 2008
Since you may not have seen them and I am so very proud...